1. Mick Jagger

There are several ugly celebrities that in spite of their unattractive physical appearance, they are a reference of charisma, personality and security that allows them to be very successful when it comes to conquering beautiful women.

Various studies carried out by the Dr. Carin Perilloux An expert in psychology, they mention that handsome men manage to conquer women with facial expressions such as smiles and winks, whereas physically unattractive men have to use a firm, safe and trusting attitude.

The characteristics mentioned in the study seem to have worked very well for these ugly celebrities , because thanks to their personality they become a center of attention that enchants women.


1. Mick Jagger

Since his youth, the lead singer of the Rolling Stones, has been characterized by his excess of security, unbridled and extroverted personality; These aspects have allowed her to conquer many women throughout her career.