Yoga vs multiple sclerosis

The yoga It is an effective complementary therapy for the treatment of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis because it helps to reduce them or modify their current states, according to researchers from the University of Rochester and the University of Portland .

Some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis that affect the quality of life of those who suffer from it, and that the yoga helps reduce are: fatigue, muscle weakness, tingling and lack of concentration, among others.

According to the study published in the journal Stroke, the practice of yoga for eight weeks helps improve the Balance , as well as having greater strength and muscle strength, which improves the feeling of weakness in multiple sclerosis.

Also, a study of rheumatic diseases of the Oslo Hospital Diakonhjemmet determined that the yoga It helps to reduce pain in patients with multiple sclerosis, as well as the sensation of mental fatigue, which prevents the deterioration of the cognitive capacity.

An investigation of the University of California , published in the magazine Emotion, shows that practice meditation Y yoga for eight weeks allows to reduce the anxiety and depression , which can improve the quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis.

In this sense, the yoga has many exercises whose vital point is the breathing , and the deep breathing helps people with multiple sclerosis to reduce pain, muscle tension and relax, in addition to giving them more energy.

In GetQoralHealth we present you a video of Dahn Yoga which focuses on achieving balance, clarity and energy through various breathing exercises , meditation, stretching and acupressure for patients with multiple sclerosis:

In this way, the yoga It is an effective therapy for people with multiple sclerosis because it allows them to increase their energy, control pain, improve their cognitive capacity, Balance and muscle strength, as well as emotional health benefits for a better quality of life.

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Video Medicine: OhioHealth Multiple Sclerosis Lecture - Fatigue (April 2024).