Greater awareness of consumption

The pattern of alcohol consumption among the Mexican population is sporadic and explosive. The following are the 5 zones of the country that present a high consumption, according to the National Survey of Addictions 2011.

1. Northwest 38.5% Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora and Sinaloa
2. North Central 37% Coahuila, Chihuahua and Durango
3. Downtown 34.5% Puebla, Tlaxcala, Morelos, State of Mexico, Hidalgo, Querétaro and Guanajuato.
4. Northeast 33.6% Nuevo León, Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosí
5. Mexico City 31.8% Federal District

Four zones of eight respondents are above the average, which is 32.8%, this means that of the total of the people surveyed just over 30% have high alcohol consumption.

The alarming thing is not the consumption of alcohol, it is the how and how much is swallowed. In most cases it is a practice that takes place every week or every fifteen days, even if there is a holiday or a meeting, the question is that alcohol is abused every time.


Greater awareness of consumption

It is becoming increasingly important to know how we can prevent risks, what to do so that a night of drinking does not lead to irreparable consequences, such as malacopa, so it is important to raise awareness in society through best practices, educate, inform and reflect. about what excessive alcohol consumption can cause us.

We are in a time where excesses are taken lightly; it is thought that nothing will happen to us, but if we care if it happens to someone close to us. Avoid getting involved in a situation that you may regret tomorrow, do not drink alcohol irresponsibly, enjoy that moment of life, it is a night to remember.

It is worth giving tips to your friends regarding alcohol consumption, such as inserting non-alcoholic beverages between each drink or botanear while you taste your favorite drink, no more than two drinks if you are a woman and no more than three in the case of men, in 24 hours, inserting each one per hour and one hour with 30 minutes respectively, so that the alcohol is absorbed at a lower speed and avoid getting drunk.

Video Medicine: 'Responsible consumption': marketing genius or self-sabotage? (April 2024).