Can your mouth make you sick?

Maybe you've heard about the relationship between the mouth and the body. What enters through the mouth can affect the rest of the body and what enters our body can have an effect on the mouth. In other words, oral health is important and is related to general well-being.

There is a relationship between oral health and the body, since the mouth is full of bacteria, more than 400 different types including those related to dental caries, periodontal diseases and systemic diseases.

When harmful bacteria grow out of control, they can cause infections in the gums and provide a port of entry into the bloodstream.

Caries is an infectious disease that takes place by the action of the acids that produce the microorganisms that are part of the dental plaque, and that is characterized by the destruction of hard dental tissues.

In addition, when caries results in losses of one or several teeth, these absences, in turn, will lead to masticatory and digestive problems, as well as aesthetic and social relationships. It is also important to know that a person with a high risk of caries can be found at a given time with a greater predisposition to suffer from systemic diseases: Diabetes and heart disease.

A physical evaluation of the mouth and face may reveal signs of illness, drug use, physical domestic violence, harmful habits or addictions; example the cigarette.

Oral health may be related to other diseases and conditions:

1. The mouth can be a direct deposit for bacterial contamination of the lungs with subsequent development of bacterial pneumonia.

2. People with weak immune systems are more likely to have mycotic or fungal infections and viral infections in the mouth. An example of this is the labial fires or the milkweed that can occur both in children and adults.

3. Some blood disorders, gastrointestinal disorders such as reflux, respiratory diseases and conditions can affect oral health. Since the acids demineralize the enamel of the teeth and can cause carious lesions.

4. Medications taken for other conditions can cause dry mouth, which can increase the risk of dental cavities, oral infections of candidiasis and other oral infections.

Cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks cause 17.5 million deaths per year. In our country this is the first cause of death. Researchers have discovered that people suffering from periodontal disease are at double risk of getting diseases in the coronary arteries.

With the increase in the risk of heart health problems, including hypertension, heart disease and heart attacks, we Mexicans must carry out preventive measures.

They are advised to talk with their dentists or periodontists about periodontal evaluation and preventive steps to maintain good oral health.

Video Medicine: Can Bad Teeth Make You Sick & Tired? How To Get Healthy Teeth & Gums w/ Nicole Vane and Ari Whitten (April 2024).