Communication, key to health ...

The sexually transmitted diseases (ETS) are increasingly common among young people, either by high-risk practices or lack of education, but this situation has not only become a public health problem, but a couple, but how can you tell them that you have an STD?

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, Lourdes Cardona , points out that in the context of which a sexually transmitted infection, First of all, you must be honest with yourself.

"Here the lies are not allowed since the treatment must be administered for both members of the couple."


Communication, key to health ...

For the expert Lourdes, the most important thing to maintain health, not only of the woman but of the relationship, is communication and telling your partner that you have a sexually transmitted disease .

However, this situation can be difficult to dialogue, so the specialist gives you some advice.

1. If the infection is very serious, before telling your partner or making a decision, it is essential that you corroborate the diagnosis with another opinion and medical tests.

2. Raise awareness partner that it does not matter who will infect who, but the transcendent is to respond as what they are: a couple.

3. Take the treatment to the ultimate consequences.

For Lourdes Cardona, talk with the couple about a sexual problem It will depend a lot on the years, situation and confidence that you have; why the latter is the element that will make the relationship overcome the obstacle and strengthen.

Video Medicine: "Professionalism and Communication" by Dr. Gina Geis for OPENPediatrics (April 2024).