More than the saltcellar, food

The sodium found in our food is related to diseases that reduce our quality and lifespan, for this reason, the consumption of salt is the subject of constant study in numerous institutions and medical-scientific publications.


  1. An investigation published in the Journal of Hypertension The United States suggests that babies' blood pressure may increase for 24 weeks, without reaching hypertension, if they are fed powdered milk (formula) with high amounts of salt (sodium).
  2. On the other hand in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition It is explained that excessive intake of sodium damages the condition of the bones of girls of school age.
  3. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Y Pediatrics He details that children and adolescents between eight and 18 years of age, with a tendency to overweight and who consume foods with excess salt, have a higher risk of pre-hypertension and high blood pressure.
  4. Meanwhile, the American Heart Association of the United States states that by reducing sodium intake, adults have a lower risk of suffering from high blood pressure, but if you already have it, blood pressure would be easier to control and there would be fewer invalidating and / or fatal complications.
  5. The National Institute of Oncological Research of Kashiwa in Japan notes that in adults sodium has a strong relationship with stomach cancer.

More than the saltcellar, food

In the case of hypertension and its possible complications, eliminating the salt shaker is a good measure, however, it is industrially processed foods that saturate the body with sodium; unfortunately these, day by day, gain more space at the tables, to be consumed more frequently and quantity by children and adults.

In addition, other foods with high levels of sodium that are consumed daily are bread, sandwich ingredients, fried sachet snacks, ingredients used for main courses, desserts and drinks. Even in addition to its high salt load this type of food leaves many nutritional doubts.


Keys to reduce salt intake and take care of your health

The most effective and effective actions to preserve health should be focused on avoiding excess salt and looking for alternative flavors that do not involve risks of disease, for example:

  1. Enrich your daily menus with more natural foods.
  2. Steamed, so the amounts of sodium will be tiny, because only those that contain the food themselves will be present.

  3. Use other means of cooking, do not add salt. By avoiding it you begin to appreciate and enjoy the true flavor of food.
  4. Virgin olive oil and / or small amounts of natural vinegar, apple or rice, are a good choice for seasoning salads and entrees.

  5. Oregano, thyme, epazote, parsley, basil, bay leaf, lemon and the like offer an excellent alternative of flavor.
  6. In case you are "forced" to use industrially processed foods, check the labels to buy those with less sodium, and eat small portions.
  7. Do not serve garnishes, mayonnaise, ketchup and products of this type, as garnishes or mixed with your strong dishes.

  8. Sea salt does not free you from sodium consumption, although theoretically this would be less.

If you reduce or eliminate the habit by salt, your children will also benefit from this new and positive healthy habit. If you want a free list of foods with unhealthy salt content you can request to:

Video Medicine: Visit the Salt Cellar Restaurant in Arizona for Some of the Best Seafood You'll Ever Have (April 2024).