What you should not do in pregnancy

After a woman finds out that she is expecting a child, her mind starts to fly and the worries arise because of the pregnancy care that must take for the development to be carried out successfully.

In addition to the physical and mental changes experienced by pregnant women, they must also modify certain habits to increase their well-being during this stage.

This does not mean that it causes any extreme danger, but that these pregnancy care work as a protection measure so that you enjoy the stage to the fullest, besides taking care of the health of the mother and the baby, but, what should not be done during pregnancy?

1. Avoid foods that are raw or contaminated with bacteria. These favor the development of infections. Some examples are: Soft unpasteurized cheeses (fresh), unpasteurized fruit juices, raw eggs, raw fish or meat, seafood, pâtés, processed foods.

2. Drink alcohol. According to the portal KidsHealth , it is recommended to avoid this type of products completely, because the specific amount that can be taken during pregnancy is still unknown. Large amounts can trigger a fetal alcohol syndrome.

3. Reduce caffeine consumption. Studies show that taking more than 150 mg per day (one and a half cups) favors contractions in the uterus and increases the risk of having an abortion.

If you have a hard time leaving it, gradually start reducing it (two to one cup) and switch to the decaffeinated option. Remember that caffeine is found in coffee, black and green tea, cola drinks.

4. Do not clean cat droppings. By doing so you run the risk of acquiring an infection called toxoplasmosis and generate problems such as premature birth, growth retardation, as well as eye or brain injuries.

5. Limit artificial sweeteners. Although there are studies that suggest that there is no harm in taking aspartame, sucralose and acesulfame K during pregnancy, it is best to reduce consumption.

6. High impact exercises. Change them for those with low impact, so you will not neglect your appearance and prepare for delivery, if your doctor does not indicate otherwise. Avoid lifting weights, sit-ups, squats, contact sports.

7. Saunas and hot tub. Limit activities at high temperatures, because it can cause problems in the fetus. Also avoid long baths with very hot water, electric blankets and expose yourself to the sun in excess.

8. Chewing gum. Limit this habit, as it can damage your teeth, which are very sensitive at the stage of pregnancy; Even some amalgams or healings can be detached.

If you maintain healthy habits during pregnancy, you will enjoy this stage to the fullest and your baby's development will be adequate. Take care of your health and that of your child from the womb!

Video Medicine: Things Not To Do While Pregnant (April 2024).