What to choose?

Undoubtedly, eating is one of the greatest pleasures we have, but among the full range of possibilities we must choose those foods that do nourish us, be healthy, and taste delicious.

An inexhaustible and infallible source is in seafood: shrimp, oysters, octopus, crabs, mussels, etc. They are characterized by being rich in water and contain little fat. Although remember that the way of preparation and the seasoning are basic to fall in love with the palate without gaining weight.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Hugo García Ramírez , seafood manager The Arbolitos de Polanco affirms.

We offer a range of seafood and meats. Here people will find excellent quality in the products and service. The customer is our priority and we guarantee that they will love your dish; we have a great work team. "


What to choose?

Delighting your palate is simpler than you think, it is not required that you flavor your food too much, that you saturate a dish with sauce or that you add fat. Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy fresh scents and natural foods, like those in this place. We give you a "little taste" ...

Coquette toast . Unlike the typical ones that contain a lot of sauces or condiments, it has the right seasoning and freshness to enjoy something delicious and without remorse. It is prepared based on shrimp, octopus and onion.

Video Medicine: What Would You Choose to Survive? HARDEST TEST EVER (April 2024).