What harm does it cause in the brain?

Do you love french fries or do you let yourself succumb with a dessert every day? Maybe you've noticed that after consuming these foods you feel slower or you do not think clearly.

According to a study of the Oregon State University , the excessive intake of foods rich in fat and sugars, compared to a normal diet, negatively impact your mind.


What harm does it cause in the brain?

The researchers detail that this type of food alters the intestinal bacteria (microbiome that has 100 trillion microorganisms), which are related to the loss of cognitive flexibility.

An example: after ingesting fats or sugars you do not have the same capacity to adapt to changing situations immediately.


"It shows a deterioration of early learning, short and long term," explain the authors of the study.


"It is increasingly clear that intestinal bacteria communicate with the human brain," explains Kathy Magnusson, a researcher at the Linus Pauling Institute.


"Bacteria release compounds that act as neurotransmitters that stimulate the sensory nerves or the immune system, thus impacting many biological functions.

If you want to have an agile and fast mind you should only keep one diet Rich in vegetables, fruits and protein. Reduce the consumption of desserts and fatty food, so you can think better and prevent the development of obesity.

Video Medicine: Effects of Smoking : How Does Smoking Affect the Brain? (April 2024).