Changes in air pressure

A trip in airplane It involves several problems that are not generally taken into consideration: since the change in air pressure, decrease in the amount of oxygen , turbulence, alterations in heart rhythm, up stress psychological or physical.

This could cause or worsen some diseases , depending on the problem that occurs, such as: pneumothorax, lung injuries caused by tuberculosis, contagious diseases (could be contagious or infected), very recent surgeries (15 to 30 days postoperatively), seizures, vertigo.


Changes in air pressure

Currently, the air pressure maintained by the planes inside the cabin, it is equivalent to the atmospheric pressure (between 1500 and 2400 meters of height). This causes the air in the body's cavities, such as the lungs, inner ear, sinuses (paranasal) and intestinal tract, to expand by about 25 percent.

Generally, during air travel there is a feeling of pressure inside the ears; this is corrected when the pressure inside and outside the ear is equalized.

Colds or allergies and repeated infections, can generate secretions, swelling and / or scars that blocks the passage of air (blocks the Eustachian tubes). This can cause air to get trapped in the middle ear, which produces pressure (medium barotitis) and pain.

In addition, the air could get trapped in the sinuses (barosinusitis) and cause a headache.

This type of discomfort can be relieved by swallowing, yawning during the descent of the plane or taking decongestants (before or during the flight).

It is recommended that children, chew gum, suck a sweet or drink something during the ascent and descent of flight, as they are very susceptible to this discomfort.

Also, changes in pressure can aggravate some health disorders, such as: emphysema, obstruction in the Eustachian tubes, chronic sinusitis, chronic abdominal pain caused by gas.

Although these alterations are usually minimal; If the plane accidentally loses more pressure, it could cause serious problems in the patient.


Decreased oxygen

Pressure changes also affect the oxygen values, so a low pressure in the air decreases the oxygen values. This can cause problems in patients suffering from serious lung diseases, such as:

Emphysema, cystic fibrosis, heart failure, anemia, severe angina, sickle cell disease (anemia of the sickle cells, this disease reduces the life of red blood cells), certain congenital diseases.

Fortunately, these people can fly if oxygen is supplied during the trip. Consult your doctor the need for oxygen and if necessary, ask the airlines the procedure to have this service during the flight.



Turbulence can cause dizziness or, in rare cases, injuries. To prevent dizziness, the doctor can prescribe some medications that prevent them. On the other hand, to avoid injuries, the belts must be kept fastened during the flight.


Schedule changes

Traveling to a country with different time zones can cause physical and psychological stress, also known as jet lag or jet lag. This may decrease, if you gradually change the patterns of food and sleep days before traveling.

In case you are a patient who must take medications regularly, it is recommended that a new feeding and medication program be established, together with your doctor.


Psychological stress

This can occur in people who are afraid of flying or suffer from claustrophobia. The doctor may prescribe a tranquilizer that reduces anxiety, before and during the flight.

Video Medicine: weather and air pressure (May 2024).