Type of cancer and age

If you ask yourselfat what age does cancer appear ? At present it is presented in increasingly younger people.

A study of National Cancer Institute reveals that the disease commonly appeared in people over 45 years but due to the accelerated pace of life, bad habits and sedentary lifestyle, its appearance has accelerated.


Each type of cancer has a different risk factor but there is a series of activities that increase the development of this disease, being the most harmful the smoking. This is related to more than 20 different types of cancer such as lung, tongue, mouth, pharynx, larynx, gastric, pancreas, colon, among others, "says Peter Robinson, oncologist.

In general, oncological diseases in young people have a greater impact as well as a higher mortality rate than in people older than 50 years.


Type of cancer and age


Bone cancer

It is diagnosed more frequently among people under 20 years of age, and more than a quarter of cases occur in this age group.



They are common in children and adolescents under 20 years of age.


Breast cancer

In Mexico the disease affects more and more women between 20 and 35 years. That is why breast self-exploration is essential since menstruation appears.


Skin cancer

The most common type of cancer is melanoma, which affects the population between 25 and 50 years of age.


Prostate cancer

It commonly appears in men 60 years and older.

Regardless of the age at which cancer appears, it is important to take preventive measures such as check-ups once a year, healthy eating and frequent exercise. Your health is priceless, take care!


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Video Medicine: Most Common Types of Childhood Cancer According to Age (May 2024).