The right time!

Its flavor and aroma accompany the morning of thousands of people around the world, but is this the ideal time to have a cup of coffee? Is it the moment when the body absorbs all its benefits?

According to a study by the University of Sheffield, the highest level of cortisol (the stress hormone) occurs in the body between 08:00 and 09:00 hrs; Therefore, the expert Steven Miller, from the blog Neuroscience , points out that taking one cup of coffee in the morning it implies incorporating caffeine when the organism is reaching a high alert level, naturally.


The right time!

For Miller, this situation responds to one of the principles of pharmacology: that determines that a drug must be incorporated only when the body needs it. Otherwise, we could develop a tolerance to the drug if the same doses are maintained. In other words, the same Cup of coffee every morning it could become less effective with the passage of time.

The cortisol It rises naturally not only in the morning, but also between noon and 1 pm, and later between 5:30 and 6:30 pm. In this sense, you should drink your first cup of coffee between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., just when your levels of cortisol They are decreasing, but you need to stay alert.

Through its compound essence (caffeine), a cup of active coffee cells that make the pituitary gland place the body in a position of alertness and generate adrenaline, which not only allows you to feel more active but improves your mental abilities.

In Mexico about two and a half cups of this drink are consumed according to a survey conducted by the Federal Consumer Procurator's Office (Profeco). What do you expect to fill your body of healthy energy?