Friendship improves health

Did you ever feel better after seeing a friend? It is no coincidence, scientific studies have found that friendship strengthens the function of the immune system , reduces the stress , the depression and even prolongs life.

Research does not distinguish between lifelong friends or those you just met, but rather going out and socializing with someone.

Living together with friends helps "get out of oneself" and interrupt the internal dialogue (which sometimes is not very healthy), to create an external one that is a bit more fun, healthy and innovative.

In addition, most of the time they help us to overcome our personal problems, to visualize things better and we know that in them we can always count, so our self esteem it increases.

Today is a good day, as well as many other days of the year to appreciate the friendships that surround us (including family members whom you also consider friends) and to know that they play an important part in your life and in your life. Health . Happy day for you and your dear people! Do you want to know more topics of interest? Find me at:

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Video Medicine: How the Internet Is Changing Friendship (April 2024).