Stress during pregnancy affects the development of the fetus

As is well known, the stress is the body's response to external conditions that disturbs the Balance of a person.

When a woman is subjected pregnant at high levels of tension and anxiety, the baby is seriously harmed. In the first instance, the risk of premature birth and even, spontaneous abortion. You may also be born with a weight too low and with a immune system weak.

New studies are being made every day and the list is increasing; an investigation of the University of Konstanz , Germany, found that a high level of stress provoke biological changes in the receptor responsible for releasing the hormones that produce this reaction.

So the constant tension in the mother during pregnancy program genetically the baby, who is developing, to be more susceptible to anxiety and to present behavioral problems later in life.

The mothers who participated in this analysis lived during their pregnancy with the constant threat of violence of your husband or partner. Later, the scientists studied the children of these women, when they were between 10 and 19 years old. They found that, in general, they were more impulsive and they had bigger problems to control and manage your emotions , that adolescents of mothers without stress:

"It would seem as if the fetus received signals from his mother that indicate he will be born in a dangerous world. The teenagers of these mothers were the most impulsive, "explains the Professor Elbert , responsible for the investigation.

By doing a DNA test they found changes in a gene, the receptor glucocorticoids (GR) , which is essential to regulate hormonal response of the organism in the face of stress and to be able to react to it.

The Physical Health Y mint The future mother is of great importance, since they have an impact on the infant's life later. Try not to subject your mind and body to moments of great tension or anxiety.

Video Medicine: Coping with Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy (April 2024).