Strengthen your muscles with diving

The diving It is one of the most relaxing and complete sports that exist, and that promotes the interaction between the human being and the aquatic environment. When you submerge you forget all the stress and the concerns of daily life; It also helps you to tone all the muscles of the body.

When you make the movements to move inside the water you have to make a lot of force in all your limbs, so you burn all the grease that is in your body and you tone every tendon and muscle bodily.

The benefits of diving for your health they are innumerable and they start with the sensation of well-being that is experienced when touching the water, but here we give you the most common ones and they are published in the page of Communication and Journalism of the FES Aragón, of the UNAM :

  1. Improves the respiratory and cardiac systems
  2. Increase psychomotor skills
  3. Eliminates stress and anxiety
  4. Strengthens human relationships and trust
  5. Elevates security and self-confidence
  6. Develop appreciation and respect for nature
  7. Promotes body balance

The diving favors the companionship, integration, as well as other forms of expression, because the language under water is through signs and gestures. The specialists assure that it is an activity where a good state of health is maintained physically, mentally and spiritually.

The practice of diving It is an integral activity that combines sport with leisure and that offers its fans many personal satisfactions, since you forget the routine completely. And you, would you like to strengthen your muscles with diving?

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Video Medicine: Goalkeeper Workout: Core Diving Muscles (May 2024).