8 tips to solve problems

There are situations in life in which it is very difficult to accept things, for example, ending a love relationship, the illness of a family member, having a addiction , etc. According to the portal Huffingtonpost.com this process is called negation , in which one is unable to see reality even though it is very painful, which prevents making assertive decisions and solving problems.

To overcome the negation and act to solve problems, GetQoralHealth gives you the following recommendations.

1. Before any event you must give yourself a reasonable time to assimilate the event and think about the situation.

2. Express your emotions

3. Think of the negative consequences of the circumstances.

4. Take into account the possible actions to take, their consequences and how to deal with them.

5. Examine your fears and beliefs about the problem. In despair, you usually think of possibilities that would never happen, but if you do not discard them, they can interfere with your decisions.

6. Talk with people you trust and show solidarity. Having someone's support is always rewarding.

7. Gather your family and friends to support you, or join a support group according to your situation.

8. If before making decisions you have to consult a medical, legal or mental health resource, look for it. Of course, if you refuse to believe that you are in negation (forgive the redundancy), seek help from a professional of the mental health .

It is impossible to avoid problems, however, evading them can complicate things. If you are going through a difficult stage, give yourself time to think, and in this way make better decisions. Good luck!

Video Medicine: Only 8 Tips To Solve Any Reasoning Calendar Question With Short Tricks, Calendar Problem Solve (April 2024).