Alcoholism affects 27 million Mexicans

The Health Secretary (Ssa) will strengthen measures to combat alcoholism in Mexico, which affects 27 million inhabitants, through treatments based on scientific evidence, with dignified and respectful attention, said the Dependency holder , Solomon Chertorivski .

According to information published in , the federal agency intends to raise the minimum age to purchase from 18 to 21 years alcohol , because before the age of 21, this drink prevents the full development of the front of the brain .

In addition, it seeks to typify its sale to adolescents as a crime of corruption of minors. These two proposals, sent to Congress, focus on raising awareness among the population about the harms and risks caused by the consumption of excess alcoholic beverages in women pregnant , with diseases chronicles, those who drive automobiles or in minors.

The official explained that prevention programs and early detection of the harmful consumption of alcohol , in schools and work environments. For this reason, the XVII National Week of Information on Alcoholism Sharing Efforts was inaugurated.

According to the health authorities, this problem increasingly affects people of an early age and, increasingly, the female population.

In just six years, the number of girls between 12 and 17 who consume alcohol in large quantities in Mexico doubled from 3.4 to 7.1%, which means that there are 285 thousand high risk drinkers.

The worst thing is that the excessive consumption of alcohol It always leads to tragic outcomes: it ranks third among the risk factors of the global burden of disease and the first in the Americas.

Likewise, this addiction is related to serious problems of a social and developmental nature, in particular, violence, neglect, mistreatment of minors and labor absenteeism.

Chertorivski Woldenberg said that the attention of the alcoholism it is an important challenge due to its psychosocial impact, as well as being a cause of violence, abuse, economic impact, accidents and criminal acts. It also contributes to the increase in premature deaths and disease by cirrhosis Y Liver cancer among other.

He added that Alcoholics Anonymous is for the health sector a strategic ally in the prevention and care of addictions , to influence the present and future generations and achieve a healthy population. And you, have you ever had problems with alcohol?

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