Stimulate multiple intelligences, challenge of schools

Do you educate all your children in the same way? Maybe it is better to analyze the situation and choose a way to improve the education of your children, since the personality of the children is very different in each one of them.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Carlos Ávila, psychologist and educational consultant of Amco (leader in research, development and implementation of educational methodologies) He details that children are different, their personality, temperament and the handling of emotions, characteristics that directly influence their education.

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Carlos Ávila says that the ideal is for schools to have an integration program that focuses on the emotional intelligence and personality of children, so that they are happy and bright.


Stimulate multiple intelligences, challenge of schools

Multiple intelligences is a model that tells us that each human being has a different domain or is inclined to a different intelligence, such as those mentioned below:


  1. Logical-mathematical. They love mathematics and excel in that subject.
  2. Verbal-linguistic. They like Spanish, history classes, reading
  3. Art. They are more restless and like to move, learn through singing, dance and music
  4. Social or interpersonal. They like to talk with their classmates
  5. Intrapersonal They are shy, quiet, silent and thoughtful
  6. Visual-spatial. The drawing is facilitated

If parents and teachers are "aware of what kind of intelligence is predominant in the child, the teacher can design the classes for all kinds of intelligences and classes become more attractive and children will be more attentive", says Carlos Ávila.

"The big challenge is not that I can learn, but that the child wants to learn, and this is achieved when he feels safe, accepted, capable and loved by his teachers and classmates at school," he concludes.