Learn all about diabulimia

Omit or reduce insulin doses to lose weight is the characteristic behavior of the call diabulimia , a dangerous eating disorder similar to bulimia that affects many teenagers with diabetes type I, a disease whose control depends largely on injecting insulin .

The diabulimia is a eating disorder in adolescent women with diabetes type I, who have the same obsession with the weight that non-diabetic adolescents may have, but who, instead of vomiting or having a purge, omit the dose of insulin which corresponds to them, usually after meals.

Some of the signs that can make the diabulimia In the eyes of the family or the doctor are: high levels of glycosylated hemoglobin or that do not match the glucose self-monitoring records in blood ; unexplained losses or weight gain; dissatisfied when eating or injecting insulin in front of other people, and excessive concern for body image and feeding .

Within the most obvious consequences of the diabulimia is the one that the complications of diabetes appear sooner, shorten life expectancy and can cause fatal events, such as death.

If you notice any symptoms, go immediately to a doctor to recommend the right treatment for you. Good luck!

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Video Medicine: Assessment and Treatment for Eating Disorders | UCLAMDChat Webinar (April 2024).