Shape your muscles with BodyArt

So that you forget the monotony and do not lose interest in maintaining a toned body you just have to practice and enjoy the benefits of BodyArt , a new training that guarantees a correct functioning of your organism through the stabilization of the motor system.

The new technique is created by Robert Steinbacher, a gymnast, choreographer, choreographer and physical therapist from one of the most popular academies in New York.

The BodyArt, that is given exclusively in Sport City Fitness Clu b, combines the training postures and classical techniques of breathing for a synergy of physical training and mental relaxation.

Through exercise and special positions, the BodyArt it looks for that the body breaks with the erroneous movement patterns to improve to the 100% the position, as well as to integrate the breathing and the concentration to eliminate the muscular tension.

To perform most of the positions you need a good balance and technique that are successfully achieved with the help of a correct breathing , which will help you oxygenate your brain and the body as a whole.

Each exercise is interconnected and completed in itself without a beginning or end, the former constituting a substantial part of the principles of BodyArt, that is, all the postures are combined as pieces of a puzzle to mold the body as a unit.

So do not wait any longer and fill yourself with energy to perform your daily tasks with good attitude and forget the barriers that lie between your physical and mental state. And you, would you like to practice this discipline?

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Video Medicine: Shape and tone with EMS at E-Body Art (May 2024).