What to do in the face of an asthma crisis?

About 33% of children with asthma they coexist with a smoker at home. So the cigar remains one of the most important triggers of this disease, said Manuel Soto Quiroz, pediatric pulmonologist, during the Summit Congress Specialists 2013 .

In this sense the doctor pointed out that the asthma causes asthma , and the goal is for the patient to treat and control his illness, since doing so can exercise, run and lead a life like any healthy person.

Soto Quiroz, pointed out that there are two families of medicines to treat the asthma : those of rescue , which are used when the person is affected by their lungs, and those of control or preventives , which are the most important and are used, in the long term, to improve the quality of life of patients:

"The rescue medicines they should be used only in very extreme cases, but for this people need to be well educated and informed; the adherence to the treatment is very low, for not knowing how to use the medication correctly, for leaving it for some time, etc. ".

What to do in the face of an asthma crisis?

The asthma It is a chronic disease that affects the respiratory tract. In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Mercedes Yencen Valenzuela , pediatric pulmonologist, indicates what to do in cases of an asthma attack.

For his part, the doctor Soto Quiroz ensures that all guidelines for the management of asthma They say that the most important point is education and the prevention of precipitating factors, such as tobacco :

"The great challenge is that the doctor manages to educate the patient, and that the doctor of first contact does not confuse asthma with a pulmonary epidemic, etc., preparation and education, are key to saving lives", sentence.

Video Medicine: First Aid in Asthma Attack (May 2024).