Are you a mobber?

Mobbing is characterized mainly because a person is attacked, assaulted or besieged by one or more people in the workplace, a situation that is systematically presented by a "mobber" or aggressor, according to the specialist in psychology of work, Jorge Ignacio Sandoval Ocaña, of the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Zaragoza, of the UNAM .

The aggressor, mobber or mobbing person has certain characteristics that make it possible to identify him, as well as establishing a certain psychological or personality profile, explains Sandoval Ocaña in an interview for GetQoralHealth.


Are you a mobber?

The mobber or stalker, according to the also member of the Research Network on Psychosocial Factors of Labor, is really nothing more than a victim of a labor system that leads them to mistreat others due to the lack of legislation, policies and poorly established work culture.

Among the characteristics of the aggressor who mobbing, is an extreme narcicism, envious, denote security but are very insecure, are often very sociable. In addition, due to the deficiency in his work or performance, he feels frequently threatened by the achievements or capacities of his classmates.

Although anyone can become a mobber, usually it is a mediocre professional who also does not experience feelings of guilt and works by envy and complexes, sometimes acts protected by a bad organization of the company and always seeks the support of others to do the mobbing.

The mobber maintains personal and labor relations based on the games of force, distrust and manipulation. Consider the other a rival to overcome who has to fall as soon as possible so that he feels satiated his need to dominate.

Nonetheless, Sandoval Ocaña mentions, it is important to consider the work environment in its entirety to determine how a mobber arises, since the main cause is usually the bad policies of a company, or owners, bosses or bosses who do not the working conditions of the people are interested, and much less, the personal ones. It is a social and labor problem.

Therefore, if any of the above characteristics of the mobber are recognized, it is vital that not only the health or medical personnel of the company be notified, so that it is channeled to the most pertinent health center, in addition to establishing more organized policies that help to prevent cases of mobbing.

Video Medicine: Jahrelanges Mobbing: Jetzt konfrontiere ich meine Mobber! | Warum mobben wir? Folge 1/6 (May 2024).