
The first thing you think about when talking about healthy nutrition It is in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as in the restriction of several foods high in fat and sugar, however, we must also take into account some elements such as: the type of food we consume, the quantity, times and combinations thereof.

Taking into account all these points and to be able to offer a simple tool, the Equivalent System , which speaks of "Equivalent Food", which is that portion of food whose nutritional contribution is similar to those of its same group in quality and quantity, which allows them to be interchangeable with each other.



Before reviewing the foods that can be exchanged, we need to know the size of the portions. First, a portion is a specific amount of food that is suggested to be consumed or that is generally consumed in an ingestion. Each person can eat one or more portions of a food according to their specific needs, which will depend on age, sex, physical activity, etc.

There are many recommendations that mention the portions and equivalences of the food; however, it is common for people not to calculate or weigh on a scale the portions that should be eaten.

To more easily identify the size of the portions for each food, it may be useful to use objects of daily life, for example:

1. A piece of fruit like apple or orange - equals the approximate size of a tennis ball.
2. A serving of chopped fruit, 1 cup, is approximately the size of your fist.
3. A serving of salad equals two cups or twice your fist.
4. A portion of cheese, approximately 30 g, is the size of a thumb.
5. A serving of cooked rice or pasta, ½ cup, is the size of a half baseball or a computer mouse.
6. A breaded steak with meat, chicken or fish (90-100g) will be approximately the size of the palm of your hand.

It may be easier if you download and print the Serving Plate , through the page //

It is important to consider that it is not necessary to measure all the food that we consume daily, it is only about getting used to the adequate amounts of food that we need to consume in order to maintain a healthy weight.

Remember that a portion is the amount of food that is consumed (for example: a cup or a piece) and the equivalent refers to the substitution of one food for another of the same group.

If you want to know the number of servings or the quantity of a food that you need to consume to cover your needs, go to a health professional.

Finding the right balance between the energy consumed and the energy expended is important; controlling the size of the portions will help you to mediate the amount of calories that are ingested and, therefore, the control of weight.

For more information: F: T: @inskmx

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