Say yes to Taekwondo and burn calories

Activity cardiovascular is an important component of most programs weightloss . The weight gain occurs if you are not burning all the calories consuming, resulting in the storage of grease . This activity essentially lies in the exercises aerobic and anaerobic , which are very useful for Burn calories .

The Tae Kwon Do is an example of aerobic exercise, so it provides various benefits to the cardiovascular health . It's about a sport that, in addition to being based on a person's philosophy of life and defense, helps Burn calories .

Practicing it every day allows you to reduce the levels of grease accumulated in specific points. In fact, a medium to intense activity class allows you to burn between 500 and 800 calories .

However, like all sports , spending caloric requires recovery and increase of muscle mass , so do not carry a diet adequate and good hydration , can lead to the loss of vital functions of the body

In addition, the Tae Kwon Do , as an oriental and sports discipline, supports the improvement of the quality of life of its practitioners in all ages.

East sport also seeks to develop the reaction and natural movements of self-defense, so it favors motor coordination, speed, resistance , flexibility , power and force .

It is suitable for children, men and women of any age, and promotes different values ​​through dynamics designed especially for each class, such as respect, discipline, honesty, generosity, charity, dedication, perseverance and habit of the greatest effort.

For all the above, the Taekwondo is a sport that helps you achieve a good physical condition and mental, as well as to maintain them for many years after their practice. In other words, the benefits this brings to life translate into well-being. Practice it, drop those extra kilos and have fun!

Video Medicine: The science is in: Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight (May 2024).