10 tips to love your body

Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention, gives you some tips to take care of and accept your body and thereby prevent you from suffering from Eating Disorders as the anorexy , bulimia Y eat for stress . Remember that the key is to have a mental balance, to make better decisions:

1. Think of your body as the vehicle of your dreams. Respect it, honor it and feed it
2. Make a list of all the things your body allows you to do. He often reads this list and adds new things
3. Begin to become aware of all that your body allows you to do every day
4. Do not let your body or size limit you to perform all those activities that you enjoy
5. Wear comfortable clothing that you like, that makes you feel good with your body
6. Count your successes, not your failures
7. Think of all the things you would like to do with the time and energy that you waste in worrying about your appearance
8. Befriend your body and support it, do not become its enemy
9. Consider this: your skin regenerates every month, you stomach every 5 days, your liver every 6 weeks and your bones every three months. Your body is extraordinary, begin to respect and appreciate it!
10. Think of a moment when you felt good about your body. Imagine that now with your age and weight you can feel the same, if you wish
11. Eat when you are hungry. Rest when you are tired. Connect with people who recognize your beauty and inner strength

Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention, points out that if you add to these suggestions the action of putting on your mirror a sign that says: "I am beautiful inside and out", the result will be surprising, because you self esteem Y security will increase.

This does not mean, that you neglect your food, on the contrary, it is to know that you are worthy for you, not for the size or body weight that you have. When you live in peace, the decisions you make about your food and life, radically improve. If you want to know more, visit: www.ellenwest.com

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Video Medicine: 10 Ways to Love Your Body (May 2024).