Lying late can limit your brain power

"I'm not sleepy", "a little while longer" or, just a cry is enough reason for parents to desist in their attempt to sleep their child at an appropriate time; However, beyond the lack of sleep, how can the absence of a sleep routine affect the infant's health?

According to a study conducted by the University of London , three-year-olds who go to bed late often may experience school problems in the future, mainly in subjects such as math, reading and spatial awareness.

According to Amanda Sacker, professor at University College London and leader of the research, lack of sleep can alter natural rhythms and affect how the brain can incorporate new information. In addition to this, children who sleep later or at different times, usually spend more time watching television.

The research analyzed the data of about 11 thousand children between three, five and seven years old, in which it was observed if their sleep habits were related to their learning ability.

As a result it was found that establishing a good sleep routine in the early years is the best thing for your brain's health, although it's never too late to start.

For this reason GetQoralHealth It gives you three tips to get your child to sleep at the right time:

1. Make sure your child, during the day, gets enough physical activity.

2. Plan a routine to lower your child's rhythm before sleep. Some activities that can help you are a bath or bottle feeding.

3. Prepare everything. Having the environment ready, especially the bed, can help your child fall asleep and start creating a routine.

Lack of sleep can affect not only your brain but also your overall health care.