Safe vacations

In Mexico, during the Easter holidays it rises up to 10% the figure of accidents in roads and others related to this holiday period, affecting around 350 thousand people throughout the republic, according to Civil Protection data.

90% of said accidents they can be prevented; therefore, we give you some of the main recommendations:


If you travel by car

1. Check that everything is in order and in good condition: tires, brakes, gasoline, oil, lights, etc. 2. Always use the seat belt and watch that all passengers bring it. 3. Respect the speed limits. 4. Do not take any part of your body out of the car. 5. If you have children, use the child seat according to your height. 6. Do not drink a single drop of alcohol . 7. Do not get distracted by using the cell phone , drinking , smoking or eating. 8. Avoid driving tired and if the journey is long, try to take short periods of break at least every four hours. 9. Respect traffic signals.


If you go for a walk to the pools, beach or spa

1. Do not drink, or introduce a glass or metal container in the swimming pool . 2. If it's raining, do not be in the water. 3. If you eat, wait two hours before entering the water. 4. Never leave your child alone, even if he knows swim . 5. In pools , and especially in the sea , check the depth before entering. 6. You must not swim in rivers, channels, streams or any place where there are water currents. 7. If you do not know swim , use an adequate flotation system. 8. Respect the regulations.


If you go for a walk with the family

1. Do not expose yourself for a long time to SW l, especially in the hours when the Sun rays They are stronger (from 11:00 to 16:00). 2. Prevent children from playing in uncovered places and being shirtless, as the Sun could cause injury Burns . 3. Always use sunscreen for the UV rays . 4. Also remember to eat in clean places, wash your hands before eating and after going to the bathroom, take only boiled or chlorinated water, eat fried or well cooked seafood. 5. Respect the regulations of the facilities and nature. 6. Never lose sight of children. 7. If you turn on a wood fire , completely extinguishes the fire. 8. Walk through safe places, avoid injuries and falls. 9. They should walk on the sidewalk, cross the street in the corners and do it with caution.

A good idea is that together with your family prepare a first aid kit for each trip that includes: thermometer, scissors, tweezers, alcohol, soap, cotton, bandages, moisturizer for the face and body, and sunscreen (minimum of factor 15). Some water purifier, serum, analgesics , antidiarrheal Y antihistamines .

Video Medicine: 31 INSANELY AFFORDABLE Budget Travel Destinations to VISIT NOW (May 2024).