Right way to lose weight fast

The old recommendation to eat less and move more to lose weight fast I was wrong. Dieting does not work because it makes the anxiety , but they have just shown that this increase in appetite it remains while the diet continues.

Quick weight loss It is definitely a great motivation and, therefore, highly recommended, but there is one correct method and one wrong.

If the loss of weight is associated with a decrease in waist size (when closing the pants), it means that the weight loss process is working correctly, decreasing the grease .


Lose weight well vs lose weight badly

When dieting, start is achieved lose weight even if you do not burn a lot grease . With only six hours of fast , the sugar in the blood starts to rise (even without having eaten); it is the muscular destruction, which prevents us from running out of energy.

If you stop eating proteins necessary, the body resorts to "self-devour" the muscles . When you lose muscles you lose weight, but not so much measures.

On the other hand, decreasing of measures evidences the reduction of grease . In addition, the metabolism is affected by losing muscles They function like the "ovens" where the food is burned.


What happens when the diet continues for several days?

The hormone leptin low and the ghrelin rises, which causes the feeling of hunger to be increasingly intense. From this moment, the anxiety appears and no medication can decrease the appetite .


Consequences of dieting

Slow metabolism : It is getting harder and harder to find muscles available to burn the food. At this time, even eating little, you can not keep losing weight and the rebound effect is imminent.

When the leptin is low and the ghrelin high, any sweet food produces a pleasure so intense that the risk of becoming addicted to carbohydrates It is really dangerous.


How to recognize if I am losing fat or muscle?

When you start a healthy lifestyle with enough proteins , the thinning process happens even faster than with a hypocaloric diet, but the main difference is that instead of losing muscles is the grease the one that is declining

What can inhibit you from losing weight quickly?

1. Take medications that get fat. 2. Being suffering the rebound effect of the previous diet. 3) No sleep enough. 4. Do exercises on an empty stomach. 5. Eat excess of carbohydrates without knowing it (example: fruits at dinner). 6. Eat only twice a day.

Most people with overweight suffer from "fat brain"; that is, wake up without hungry and they do not have enough breakfast, but in the afternoon they feel uncontrollable attacks of anxiety .

Therefore, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle because it allows you to lose weight fast and forever, as well as diminish the attacks of anxiety .

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