Respiratory syncytial virus is very contagious

The Respiratory Sincital Virus (VRS) is a infection that attacks the respiratory tract . It is a condition that affects children and adults. However, in babies it acts more aggressively.

The VRS It is very contagious, so you have to take the proper precautions, especially if you have a baby under 2 years of age. If it is not detected in time VRS It can cause various infections in the lungs And in the respiratory tract .

East virus cause a infection whose symptoms are similar to those of a flu moderate or strong In the case of babies, VRS it can become pneumonia , in bronchiolitis and in other serious complications.

The following video explains what is the bronchiolitis :

The VRS It is spread through the drops left in the air when someone infected sneezes, blows his nose or coughs. It is also transmitted when you touch, kiss or greet someone who has the virus .

If your baby has fever high, runny nose, strong cough with yellow, green or gray secretions, dehydration , difficulty breathing or breathing very quickly, does not want to be breastfed or bottle-fed.

If you detect these symptoms, go immediately to your doctor to avoid complications, he will tell you the treatment to follow.

The best way to prevent this virus it's washing your hands Clean the surfaces that are in contact with the baby as toys. Make sure that the people who touch the baby, have clean hands and no one smokes around them.

Video Medicine: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): Signs, Symptoms and How to Prevent It (April 2024).