Relaxation postures in yoga

One of the most common positions in the yoga It's the cat'sMarjari Asana To achieve this, you must roll up and lean forward with your hands on the floor under your shoulders, your fingers pointing forward, your hands in line with your knees. The arms and thighs should be at right angles to the ground; The knees may be slightly separated.

Now inhale deeply, raise your head and spine, so that your back curves. Fill your lungs and hold the air for three seconds. As you exhale, lower your head and stretch your spine up. At the end of the breath, squeeze the hips, and stomach muscles.

Another highly demanded position is that of Luna or Shashankasa . Sit on your knees with palms on your thighs. Close your eyes and relax, but keep your spine and head straight.

Inhale deeply and raise your arms above your head, keeping them straight. As you exhale, lean forward, keeping your arms and head in a straight line.

The hands and forehead should touch the floor in front of the knees. Bend the elbows, so that the arms relax completely and hold the position for five seconds. Repeat three to five times.


Position of the Mountain (Parvatasana)

This position serves to strengthen the nerves and muscles of the arms and legs. In addition, it stimulates the circulation in the superior spine.

To achieve this position in yoga , you must kneel with your heels up and stretch your arms forward so that your forehead touches the ground. Take a deep breath and relax for a few seconds.

Now, stand up leaning on your hands, keeping your feet together and your back straight. Inhale and lift your glutes; lower your head in your arms. The back and legs should form two sides of a triangle.

Finally, exhale and try to touch the ground with the top of your head. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

Video Medicine: Shavasana - Yoga Relaxation Pose Variations (April 2024).