Habits vs anxiety disorders

Anxiety is a normal response to threatening situations that determine our survival, however, when that response occurs for no apparent reason, and is accompanied by a phobia, it can generate an anxiety disorder.

In Mexico, 14.3% of the population has presented some type of anxiety disorder throughout their life, reveals the National Survey of Psychiatric Epidemiology , and although there are many situations that trigger this response, when it has a greater intensity, recurrence, frequency and duration, it is considered a disorder that requires attention.

For this, it is important to make a review and medical history and life habits that allow identifying the most appropriate cause and treatment.


Habits vs anxiety disorders

There are certain life habits that are related to various anxiety disorders, according to a study of the University of Navarra in Spain , such as having a sedentary lifestyle, a diet rich in fats and sugars, lack of sleep and rest; however there are also others that help reduce them:

1. Avoid stimulant drinks . The caffeine , among others, it is considered a stimulant drug that favors the nervous state of a person.

2. Stop smoking . According to researchers from King College London , smokers who achieve abstinence reduce long-term anxiety.

3. Regular exercise. In addition to the release of endorphins, which stimulate relaxation and well-being, this activity helps reduce the adrenaline generated in the body, implicated in a greater state of nervousness and stress, according to scientists from the University of Southampton , England.

4. Drink tea or infusions . The use of phytotherapy, through this type of drinks that contain mild sedative substances, also help in the self-control of emotions, promote relaxation and a better rest, explains a study of Complutense University of Madrid , in Spain.

5. Meditate. According to specialists in nursing of the University of Guangzhou, China , practice some technique meditation For a week, it helps to minimize levels of anxiety, nervousness or depression.

Having good habits of life that generally promote relaxation, rest, control of emotions, positive attitude and increased safety and self-esteem, along with good nutrition and physical activity, are the best way to prevent and reduce anxiety disorders , with better results in front of pharmacological treatments, explain specialists of the University of Chicago and Indiana , in United States.