Know your gym!

If you consider that your hours at the gym are not so "efficient" to achieve your goals, you should consider evaluating your exercise and eating routine. Before your exercise routine, you should consume foods that are easy to digest, low in fat and carbohydrates to better counteract fatigue.

In GetQoralHealth , we prepare a simple guide to make better decisions in the gym and get more out of your routines.

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Know your gym!

1. Circuit In accordance with Kenny Salas , gym trainer George Angulo Fitness , the key is to combine cardiovascular exercises with intense work of weights, work in circuit!

2. Do not use a lot of weight. Lift an "easy" weight: it is preferable to make longer series but with good technique, without so much weight.

3. Elliptical. Using the elliptical machine in the gym is a good option for people who suffer from problems in the knees, as a result of excess weight. This machine helps "imitate" the movements you make when running or climbing stairs.

4. Aerobic step. This training is one of the favorites of women, because they work mainly, glutes, hips and legs, which helps burn up to 400 calories for 30 minutes.

5. Spinning. A spinning class allows you to burn up to 500 calories during a 45-minute session. The key: Gradually increase the resistance of your bike.

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Goodbye "chubby"!

An extra tip that can be interesting and very useful, is that on your way to the gym you load 20% of your weight in accessories for your routine. A report from American College of Sports Medicine , reveals that if you carry this weight in your backpack it can help you reduce the "fat" 30%. This technique will allow you to increase your strength and fill you with energy. Success!

Video Medicine: How to Start Going to the Gym (April 2024).