Oatmeal with banana

One of the foods that benefits us the most to lose weight and keep us in shape is oats. Sometimes it can be 'boring' to consume them in the same way every day, so, we show you some Oatmeal recipes that will help transform your body.

According to a study published by The National Institute of Health, United States, the oats It is an excellent source of food to mark muscles and also improves intestinal transit.

Here are some simple recipes:


Oatmeal with banana

The banana is an excellent complement. It is rich in potassium and an excellent source of energy. For this recipe, all you need is a ripe banana, 6 tablespoons of oats and milk of your choice, it can be soy, whole, de-lactose, almond, or coconut, according to your preferences and benefits to your health.

You add them to a deep dish and heat them in the microwave for 30 seconds. Afterwards, it will be ready to be consumed


Tip: you can add cinnamon to give it more flavor


Yogurt with oatmeal

Add to a glass 5 large spoons of natural oatmeal. Subsequently, choose the taste of yogurt that you like most (preferably Greek).

Finally, add pieces of fruit, may be (strawberries, blackberries, blackberries, peach) and mix, to finally enjoy the taste.


Oatmeal smoothie

It is very simple to elaborate. All you need is milk (of your choice) 6 tablespoons of oats, 7 whole strawberries and one tablespoon of vanilla extract.

Add the ingredients to the blender and mix. Then it will be ready to drink.

As you can see they are simple oatmeal recipes that can transform your body Oats cause satiety and is an excellent source of energy. Consume it every day.

Video Medicine: How to Make The Best Banana Oatmeal (April 2024).