It must be part of your diet!

After 25 years, the body reduces the synthesis of collagen: it loses approximately 1.5% per year. That is to say, to the 40 years your organism will produce half of this protein, in comparison to your adolescence. Even though, Does it only impact on the formation of wrinkles?


The generic term collagen it includes a super family of molecules, which constitute up to a third of the protein content of the organism; is the main element of many tissues, for example, 74% of the skin, 64% corneas and 10% of the lungs ", reveals a study published in the Royal Academy of Sciences.


It must be part of your diet!

Main structural element of the extracellular matrix, collagen gives strength and flexibility to tissues. Thus Super GetQoralHealth offers alternatives that help you integrate this element into your diet.

Do not you dare? Know other reasons why it is essential for you:


1. Scarring

Collagen provides a platform for new tissue growth. Therefore, collagen dressings are used for the purpose of helping the healing of certain types of wounds.

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