Power of the mind helps to heal the body

There are several techniques that allow the mind heal and directly affect certain conditions, such as positive thoughts, meditation or hypnosis , according to a series of articles published in the prestigious scientific journal Newscientist .

In this regard, the editor of the publication, Jo Marchant , explains that several studies have been reviewed in which these alternatives allow the mind exert a significant influence in determining the health status of a person.

This type of techniques allows them to respond better to treatments, get sick less and have better quality, which is because they acquire confidence in themselves and in the alternative, through projections or mental visualizations.

The editor of the magazine explains that, on the contrary, those people with little confidence, stress , without interest or pessimists who do not use their mind as another tool to influence their body, they do not respond as effectively to treatments and tend to get sicker.

"Insofar as we are able, through discipline, to generate sufficiently flexible mental states, we can surely overcome the pitfalls of the body and of that supposed inexorable determinism that genetics presents."

As an example, he cites a series of benefits of these techniques, such as:

The meditation increases the immune response of vaccinations , protects from relapses people with Cancer , prevents the depression , relieves skin conditions and retards the aging , and even delays the progression of HIV , according to Center for the Mind and the Brain of the University of California .

Positive thoughts allow a better recovery of surgeries (as the Cancer or renal failure) , relieves stress and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest, digest).

The Placebo effect , with information from the Harvard Medical School , can produce improvements in patient symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome , through this process of Self healing of mind and body , even knowing that it is just a placebo .

The hypnosis, because it generates suggestion and expectations such as placebo, it can help control pain, depression , sleep disorders , obesity , asthma Y skin diseases , according to researchers from the University of Hull, UK.

"Now science, supported by rigorous research, can see that the mind is key to health and, probably, the most important active ingredient in all medicine, "he says. Jo Marchant .

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Video Medicine: Heal Your Body WITH YOUR MIND: Dr. Joe Dispenza (April 2024).