Oral health test

Proper oral medical care can reduce the risk of premature death. Early detection of periodontal disease is, in most cases, crucial to saving lives as timely treatment is provided in the field of oral health .

A oral exam careful can detect nutritional deficiencies, as well as some diseases that include microbial infections, immune disorders, injuries, and oral cancer , according to the Undersecretariat of Prevention and Promotion of Health in Mexico.

Therefore, we present you a test that will allow you to make a first diagnosis regarding your oral health and habits of hygiene , according to muyinteresante.com.


Oral health test

1. Do you regularly attend the dentist? to. Yes, at least twice a year. (0) b. No 6)

2. If not, when was the last time you were at the dentist? to. One year. (3) b. A year and a half, two years. (6c. More than two years and / or I do not remember. (12)

3. Do you know how and why are the cavities ? to. Yes, I have known for a long time. (0) b. No 6)

4. Do you often suffer from dry mouth caused by some medication? to. No. (0) b. Yes 3)

5. Do you know what they are and why they owe gingivitis and periodintitis ? to. Yes. (0) b. No 6)

6. Have you ever been treated gingivitis or periodintitis ? to. No, it has never been necessary. (0) b. Yes, I have been in treatment. (3) c. No, but I think it is necessary. (6)

7. Have you had cavities the last 12 months? to. No. (0) b. A. (3) c. More than two. (6)

8. Do you bleed thegums when brushing? to. No. (0) b. Yes, only in the case of some teeth. (3) c. The gums In its whole. (6)

9. Sometimes the gums Are you infamous or red? to. No. (0) b. Yes. (6)

10. Do you usually squeeze and grind your teeth while you sleep? to. No. (0) b. I do not know. (3) c. Yes. (6)

11. Do you bite your nails? to. No. (0) b. Yes. (6)

12. How often do you brush your teeth? to. Three times a day. (0) b. Once a day. (3)

13. How often do you change your toothbrush? to. Three to six months. (0) b. Once a year. (3) c. Every two years. (6)

14. If you smoke cigarettes How many do you smoke a day? to. None or two. (0) b. Half box. (3) c. More than one box. (6)

14. Do you drink coffee, tea or other tea with sugar? to. No. (0) b. Yes 3)



From 0 to 20 points : Everything seems to indicate that you enjoy optimal oral health, and follow the instructions of the dentist. You probably suffer from some small problem that is treated with a visit to the dentist.

From 20 to 45 points : Samples risk of training cavities and contracting gingivitis and periodontitis . Go to the dentist without delay for a review.

From 45 points and up : You show a serious lack of concern for your dental health. It is possible that you already have some disease of this type that must be treated urgently by a dentist.

Remember that this test it does not substitute an adequate diagnosis or revision by a professional of dentistry, for which reason we recommend that you consult this specialist on a regular basis to take care of your oral health.

Video Medicine: NIDCR - The Concise Oral Exam (April 2024).