Oral cancer symptoms

This condition develops in the lips , inside the mouth, on the back of the throat , in the tonsils or in the salivary glands. It affects more men than women, and people older than 40 years. Tobacco and excessive alcohol intake are two key factors in risk .

The treatment of oral cancer is based on surgery, radiant therapy and chemotherapy. If detected late, it can lead to death with a five-year survival rate for approximately 50% of cases, according to data from Colgate, Mexico.

Like most cancers, the lack of timely detection is due to the lack of primary symptoms, therefore preventive measures are essential for the success of the treatment.



- The most common anomalies are composed of: - Sores that do not heal on the lips, gums and inside the mouth. - Increase the volume of the inner part of the cheek. - Feeling of numbness in any part of the mouth. - Stains on the gums. - Pain or choking sensation in the throat. - Voice change.


Figures of attention in Mexico

Data from the Medical Journal of the Mexican Social Security Institute in 2008, revealed that during the decade from 1991 to 2000, the IMSS registered 8 thousand 800 hospital discharges for oral cancer, 64.6% in men.

The proportional mortality rate for oral cancer was 50.4 per 100 thousand hospital discharges, with a significantly downward trend. The rate of discharges by age was specifically concentrated in the population greater than or equal to 35 years, with the highest rates being over 55 years. The average number of hospital stays was approximately 5 days.

The main sites where the disease was presented were: Language (25.1%), major salivary glands (24.0%) and tonsils-oropharynx (14.2%).

Video Medicine: Early Signs of Oral Cancer - Oral Cancer Symptoms Explained By Dr. Sameer (May 2024).