Olive oil vs multiple myeloma

Olive oil inhibits the development of multiple myeloma cells, a disease that mainly affects men, suggests a study conducted by a group of laboratory scientists Neuroendocrine interactions in rheumatic and inflammatory diseases (NEIRID).

In information published on the portal ABC.com , it is detailed that olive oil has a substance called oleocanthal , which is a potent inhibitor of the cells that cause multiple myeloma.

The researchers detail that in their study the oleocanthal , responsible for giving the spicy flavor to the food, inhibited the growth of the tumor cells of the disease.

Even treatment with this drug generated an induction of apoptosis or programmed cell death, as well as the synthesis of a molecule responsible for the proliferation of multiple myeloma cells.

According to information from Mayo Clinic , multiple myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells, which are a type of white blood cells present in the bone marrow and which are responsible for producing proteins called antibodies to fight infections.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the doctor Víctor Salinas, andspecialist in multiple myeloma , explains the characteristics of this disease:

The World Health Organization (WHO) specifies that multiple myeloma represents 1% of cancers, as well as 10 and 15% of hematological neoplasms.

Remember that maintaining good habits, especially in food, helps you stay healthy and with a good quality of life. Y you, how many times a week do you eat olive oil?

Video Medicine: Multiple Myeloma symptoms,prognosis,Kappa Lambda Light Chains, Free serum (April 2024).