Neuromuscular bandage

Injuries in the practice of a sport or physical activity They are very common; either for lack of warm-up, condition, inexperience or for the same exercise. This leads to a health problem that can affect the muscles and, consequently, the ability of the individual to move the injured limb or area.

However, at present there is an option that not only helps in the treatment of injuries, but also in the performance of the athlete: the neuromuscular bandage.

The neuromuscular bandage or kinesiotaping, consists of a system of special bandages that are applied on the skin covering a muscle, tendon, ligament or joint.

This is aimed at reducing inflammation and tissue congestion, relieving the sensation of pain and correcting some joint or postural problem. This lattice of special elastic bandages gives total freedom of movement to the affected area allowing the tissue to heal naturally.

The technique of the neuromuscular bandage has been perfected for many years, its creator was the Japanese chiropractor Kenzo Kase in the 70s.

According to the Spanish Association of Neuromuscular Bandages , the bandage has the following actions:

1. Regulates the circulation
2. Analgesic
3. Biomechanics
4. Axteroceptive

This is based on a health approach aimed at optimizing the innate conditions of the body necessary for the recovery process of the body itself, with therapeutic results.

All physical activity It requires precautions, which are aimed at preventing the presence of any injury.

It is important, in our daily life, to introduce half an hour of exercise, not just for vanity. Exercising can help us keep our bodies in weight and in the right conditions.

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Video Medicine: DEEP OSCILLATION with NEUROMUSCULAR BANDAGE Ingles (May 2024).