Urotherapy improves health

The urine therapy , also called urotherapy or amaroli , is to drink urine or apply it on the skin to alleviate suffering; It is not a recent discovery but, according to some evidences, it was applied thousands of years ago in pre-Columbian America and Asia.

The urine It is a resource used since before birth. Since we are fetuses three months, until the birth in the mother's womb, urine that we excrete mixes with amniotic fluid contributing electrolytes and nutrients , favoring the creation of self defenses in a continuous feedback.

Among the benefits of urine stand out :

1. Eliminate problems of circulatory system . 2. If the tension it is high or low, it will regulate it. 3. Drinking urine fasting, eliminates ulcers . 4. Increase the defenses of the body, sexual potency and improves the quality of semen . 5. Remove the uncontrolled appetite , regulating the secretion of Gastric acid . 6. Tones and balances the nervous system .

To learn more about this treatment, in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of the naturist Txumari Alfaro, who describes some of their jobs.

Some topical uses of urine are :

1. For cracked hands, apply freshly in abundance. 2. For cooling , it can be applied directly or as quickly as possible before it cools down. This can save a freezing principle, typical in feet and hands. 3. The massage with urine hot tense muscles and gives them strength. 4. Eliminate the mushrooms of the skin . 5. Drinking urine , and at the same time apply it in scalp , stop the hair loss and regenerates it with force.

Naturists recommend that when a person wishes to use the urine therapy orally, it must go through a purification process (approximately 3 days) in which the consumption of certain foods, such as coffee and red meats (pork or beef) is restricted or avoided in order to reduce the amount of toxins in the urine (urea Y creatinine ).

They also emphasize the importance of urine taken for treatment, not the one that is issued at the beginning or end of the urination , but the intermediate, which is free of bacteria . In this sense, it is advisable to have a very good hygiene .

It is important that you bear in mind that if you want to implement this treatment, you should be well advised by specialists in both traditional and naturopathic medicine. Remember that your wellbeing and health is paramount.

Video Medicine: Dave Murphy - How Urine Therapy Helps The Body To Heal From Disease (April 2024).