Touch improves your quality of life

Whether it's a handshake, caresses on the couch or a big hug, the touch It is considered as the great medicine for the body and the mind.

Take a massage

Those who have received a massage, know that this is ideal to relax. It helps the muscles to loosen, the heart rate decreases and the blood pressure and controls the cortisol hormone which is caused by stress.

This hormone represses immune system , this is why stress makes us weaker and more likely to suffer diseases . In a state of relaxation your body can recover and recharge , which produces a reinforced immune system.

Do you want a hug

The act of welcoming someone in your arms fills the body with oxytocin "The love hormone", which makes people feel safe, since it increases trust between people.

Those women who receive more hugs from their partners have greater oxytocin levels , but it does not have to be only from your partner; the hug from someone close also works.

Snuggle with your pet

If you have pets, you have noticed that you are less tense while you give petting . Research has shown that blood pressure is lower in those who have a dog or cat. The petting pets have also shown improvement in the immune response of the owners. This is because one is focused on the animal and not in oneself, so the mind does not concentrate on pain.


It's time for sex

Do not forget that the sex It is also enjoyed only; A couple is not necessary to be able to relax a bit. It's no surprise that the sex be one of the best sources to relax.

This involves an endless body contact and thanks to orgasm, oxytocin production is triggered, as well as enodrhinas (hormones charged with acting as analgesics against pain and anxiety), which drives our physical and emotional well-being.

Whether with a friend, lover or with your pet, caresses and contact are the best preventive medicine.