Move more and sit less!

One of the benefits of performing physical activity 30 minutes a day, at least 5 times a week, is that it helps increase the Life expectancy in 6.2 years in men and in 5.6 years in women, indicates a study promoted by theEuropean Society of Cardiology

The study looked at the mortality of 1,116 men and 762 women comparing them with people sedentary . Participants were asked to answer questions about the amount of time they spent each week. The analysis showed that the risk of death It was reduced by 44% for men and women alike.

According to the specialist in Sports Medicine, José Reinhart , "Every activity counts, for example, going for a run, dancing, riding a bicycle or with your pet; the important thing is that you choose your exercise favorite, motivate yourself and enjoy the benefits. "

This finding adds to the research that links good life habits with an increase in longevity , above all, because they prevent long-term diseases such as diabetes, obesity and hypertension, which according to the World Health Organization (WHO) They are increasingly frequent and cause high mortality rates in people throughout the world.


Move more and sit less!

Living more and better is the desire of many. To achieve this, it is not necessary to opt for surgeries or expensive treatments. The best and cheapest medicine is at your fingertips, and it is maximized if you start from the first stages of life.

In order for the benefit to be optimal, there must be a balance between the intake of food and beverages, which allows an adequate control of the weight .


It is possible to eat healthy and rich at the same time; the essential thing is to perform physical activity on a regular basis and maintain a balance in what we eat, control the portions and consume all the food groups. Remember that we can eat a little of everything if it is in moderation, "Reinhart added.

Give meaning and purpose to life, form stable relationships with family, friends or co-workers, cultivate a positive attitude and rest, are part of the additional measures that you must put into practice to add years of life.



All physical activity requires hydration . In that case, any type of liquid such as water, juice, milk, soft drinks, tea, chocolate will keep your body hydrated.


It is important not to leave aside a good hydration. Remember to hydrate before, during and after exercising, "advises Reinhart.

Start is easier than you think, now every time you go for a walk, run, dance or swim remember that you will have the opportunity to live more years with your family and friends.

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Video Medicine: Sit Less Move More: Whiteboard Animation (April 2024).