5 reasons to be a single person

You return to your house and you realize couples that hold hands, looks full of complicity and affection, kisses that would make anyone sigh and demonstrations of love something daring, even for you. Does it make you wonder why being single?

You could swear that the stars lined up to remind you every 20 seconds that you're apparently the only single person in the universe. Does it sound familiar to you? Well, you're not the only one, so leave apathy and better know some reasons why it's amazing to be a single person.

1. Money for you Maybe you do not benefit from having a double income and the financial advantages of sharing expenses, so what? The way you spend money is something that only you decide. You do not have to review any shared budget to decide whether or not you can consent.

2. Own decisions . When you are in a relationship serious and long-term, you must take into account the opinion of your partner, It is not that you ask for permission, it is simply an attention to the other. Also in that kind of relationship many of the plans are made together. But being single you simply do what you decide.

3 friends. In a relationship Serious, the priorities change, and it's completely understandable. When you're single, you can spend much more time with friends and strengthen those ties, which is very important since you'll need them when you find the right person.

4. What does not kill you ... Single people are to a certain extent "attacked", when others begin to ask why you do not feel head or if you do not worry about being alone, among a lot of old things, accompanied by a million cats. But this only contributes, in the end, to strengthen your decisions and self-esteem.

5. Start over . When things do not go well sometimes you want a radical change. You can decide to start a new career, change city or do what your heart deeply desires, much more easily than someone who has to think about their children, their partner and other commitments acquired.

If these reasons are not enough for you, you should know that a study of the University of Michigan , published in Journal of Health and Social Behavior, indicates that single people have a better quality of life and health in general, compared to married people, because they have a better socioeconomic status, eating habits and lower stress

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Video Medicine: 5 Reasons Why Intelligent People are Single! (May 2024).