5 foods that harm your health

There are foods that are considered nutritious and healthy; however, nutritionists do not recommend them because they lack nutritional value. According to the portal Huffingtonvoces.com unhealthy foods contain calories empty that do not benefit your Health and they only increase your weight. GetQoralHealth Tells you what foods you should eliminate from your diet .

1. Low fat dressing: There are some dressings that contain corn, sugars and fructose that add calories to your salad although on the label say they are light. The best are vinegar and plant oils such as olive.

2. Rice: Have a glycemic index up to 91%, which makes it a carbohydrate that raises your sugar levels in the blood Furthermore, this makes weightloss .

3. Whole and refined grains: Refined or fortified grains are those that are used in breakfast, pasta and rice products, which when processed lack fiber , vitamins Y minerals .

4. Semolina: Is a carbohydrate super refined that is made from the leftovers of corn processing. It lacks nutritional value and vitamins . Generally, it does not have much flavor, so people use butter to make it edible, this combination is a pump calories that makes you gain extra kilos.

5. Soft drinks: They have calories empty that cause weight gain. Simple sugars reduce the cholesterol good and increase the levels of triglycerides . Sugary drinks also alter the inflammatory balance of the body and increase the risk of chronic diseases.

Although many of these foods are considered "healthy," it is important that you check your nutritional label to identify the ingredients that harm your Health and decrease your consumption. It is best to include in your diet natural food. Beware!

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Video Medicine: 5 tips to keep your gut microbiome healthy | UCLA Health Newsroom (May 2024).