Take care of this moment ...

One of the most beautiful and complex moments experienced by the female body is the pregnancy. In this one, the organism It is altered to give the opportunity to a new life, but sometimes, these changes can be dangerous if you do not have medical control and a preparation and care by the mother.

According to figures from Institute of Statistics and Geography In Mexico, there are 40.8 million women over 15 years of age, of whom 71.6% have had at least one child. That is: seven out of ten.


Take care of this moment ...

AlthoughThe organism It is designed for a pregnancy and currently there are medical advances, mortality is still high, and the worst is that it can be avoided.

According to information from Observatory of Maternal Mortality (WMO) and World Vision Mexico 73% of cases of maternal death in the country is due to direct causes such as hypertensive diseases, obstetric trauma and hemorrhages , which could have been taken care of properly and in a timely manner.

It is therefore important that you prepare for this stage, so we offer the following tips with information from the American Association of Physiotherapists.

1. Strengthens the pelvic muscles. You can achieve this with the so-called Kegel exercises, which involve a contraction of the sphincter muscles instead of the gluteal and thigh muscles. These strengthening exercises help prevent losses when the woman sneezes or coughs and can also reduce pelvic pain during pregnancy.

2. Get ready to transport the baby . The exercises directed to the center of the body help to avoid the separation of the abdominal muscles (diastasis of the rectus abdominis).

Some exercises such as abdominals increase the likelihood of developing rectal diastasis, incontinence and back pain during and after the pregnancy. That is why it is important that you go to a health expert before making a exercise.

3. Breathe. Learning to breathe properly and relaxation techniques will help prepare your body and mind for a pregnancy healthy.

4. Begin a regular physical maintenance routine. Exercise helps reduce the amount of cortisol, the hormone stress, and promotes the muscular and cardiovascular strength necessary to carry the extra weight of the baby.

5. Good nutritional status . That is, an adequate weight and a balance diet.

A study conducted by the Berkeley University of California, It has been discovered that the consumption of fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods before pregnancy, reduces the risk of developing leukemia in children.Do not forget that your health and that of your baby are in your hands!