Most common depression in women with arthritis

The rheumatoid arthritis occurs more frequently in women in a ratio of 3 to 1, that is, for every 3 women there is an affected man. This is a serious and debilitating disease, which can have a devastating impact on the quality of life, within two years after diagnosis, so that the depression It is very common in this condition, reported through a press release, European Public Opinion Survey.

67% of men with rheumatoid arthritis and 57% of women, indicate that they can not carry out their normal occupational activities. Approximately 42% of those who suffer from it, regardless of sex, left their jobs as a result of the disease.

The rheumatoid arthritis it can cause physical deformities, fatigue and severe pains that make it difficult to perform daily activities such as bathing, going down stairs, working and reduces life expectancy for up to 10 years. Here we present some figures of this condition that affects more women in the world every day:


  1. There are 5 million arthritis sufferers around the world
  2. 75% of them are women
  3. The arthritis often attacks females, especially between 20 and 45 years of age
  4. The depression and feelings of helplessness are common among women with arthritis , due to disability, pain, fatigue and the stress of managing a chronic disorder
  5. The younger patients seem to have a greater risk of falling into depression
  6. They are more prone to lower bone density, so the osteoporosis and the fractures they are more common
  7. They have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases

For this reason, it is important that women become aware of the signs and symptoms of arthritis and seek appropriate medical attention at the first sign, to prevent long-term complications.

Video Medicine: 5 Types of Depressive Disorders (May 2024).