Models suppress your appetite with drugs

The world of fashion requires Models very stylized so that they can be successful, and even though they are increasingly "regulated" to have a healthier image, they still use drugs as a method to suppress the appetite and stay thin .

In this regard, the model of catwalk Dikhtyar Kira commented, during the Fashion Week New York, that the use of drugs and medicines is something habitual in the medium and from an early age, according to the portal

The 24-year-old Russian model told Fox News that some of the tricks that are done in the medium to look thin and suppress their appetite , are:

1. Cocaine, crack and methamphetamines to accelerate the metabolism and suppress the hungry , which they usually do when they carry out subsistence allowance of 500 calories daily.

2. Medications under prescription to inhibit the hungry , like the Adderall and Ritalin.

3. Cigarettes.  Smoke can accelerate the metabolism and it works as a suppressor of appetite .4. HCG hormone injections (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), medicine used for the fertility that accelerates thyroid function and metabolism .5. Laxatives. Food, compounds, drugs or supplements that induce the bowel to a complete emptying. They come in the form of pills, suppositories, juices or tea.6. Eat cotton balls to fill your stomach and feel less appetite .

All these methods that suppress the hungry they are very dangerous, they can not only cause malnutrition , dehydration, lack of energy and anemia , but they lead to eating disorders and to death.

While the Council of Designers of America has tried to prevent this situation, as well as regulate the weight and image of Models , continues to be a serious problem due to the high economic and aesthetic demands of the environment.

Remember that lose weight In a healthy way it should be a gradual process, advised by specialists and, above all, as a consequence of healthy life habits, such as a good feeding , exercise and rest .  

Video Medicine: Diet Pill Horror Story (May 2024).