May the work not consume you!

On average, Mexicans work 500 hours longer than the rest of the 34 countries that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In other words, the country works 2 thousand 250 hours a year per person, which makes it difficult to have a full personal life.


A question of fear? An environment of layoffs and instability causes many people to fear for their economic security. This causes that they invest more and more hours to the work leaving aside other important aspects; example, the family ", says the psychologist Robert Brooks.


May the work not consume you!

However, long days are not synonymous with productivity, nor a guarantee that helps you keep your job. Reason why you should have a balance between work and your work life, discover how to achieve it with information from the International Coach Federation.


Postpone as little as possible

In general, trying to avoid a task takes more time than it would have taken to do it from the beginning. Adopt the habit of not postponing. Try to do everything at once, since going back several times to the same task consumes you time and depletes your concentration.

Video Medicine: Tony Robbins: How to deal with STRESS and DEPRESSION - #MentorMeTony (May 2024).