Know everything about erotomania

The erotomania is a personality disorder that is based on the delirious conviction of being loved by a person, when this is not true. A relationship is invented and acted as such, although the reality is different.

The main characteristic of the erotomania , also known as delirium of being loved , is that an unreal story is created about a fantastic love with people of a higher social level, often with celebrity or soccer stars.

Here's a video of the Dr. Sánchez with an example about this disorder:

Generally, the erotomaniac has the mistaken idea of ​​being loved by someone from a misinterpretation of the perceptions or experiences that led to this conclusion.

The erotomaniac delirium arises from affective disorders , organic-cerebral or schizophrenics . It is accompanied by hallucinations of all kinds and leads the person to act according to his delirium, that is, as if that person was really in love with him or her.

The erotomania arises mainly in single women, over 30 years. Based on various studies carried out by the University of Greece , the systematic erotomania , with personality traits sensitive-paranoid , Social isolation and sexual inhibitions .

The treatment consists of psychological therapy and antipsychotic medications that help decrease delusional thoughts and act with greater moderation.

If you notice some of the symptoms mentioned above, consult your specialist immediately to provide the necessary help.

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