5 most common sex infections

According to Epidemiology Bulletin of the Ministry of Health (Ssa) , the infection Sexually transmitted (STD) more known and more serious remains the HIV AIDS.

However, other infections that were believed eradicated as the syphilis and the gonorrhea continue to claim victims among young people and adults, mainly due to lack of knowledge, but above all due to the lack of responsible sexual practice.

Currently, the abstinence sexual and the condom or condom they are the only methods that exist to prevent the transmission of STIs; also, these act as contraceptive , by offering a percentage of effectiveness of 98%.


STIs affect women and men

The sexually transmitted infections they are contagious through the contact of an infected mucous membrane with a healthy one, or through a wound in the skin . These tissues have the ideal conditions for the disease develop and transfer.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the obstetrician / gynecologistAlejandro Vázquez Alanis define sexually transmitted infections:

The ITS they can affect repeatedly because they do not generate immunity and do not count on vaccinations . Some of them may cause injuries serious and permanent, as blindness , sterility or psychological disorders, so it is important that you know your body to detect its symptoms in time.

The scarce sexual information and the ignorance of the symptoms are some of the reasons for which the ETS so easily. To this is added that sometimes they hide, either because of shame and because they have the idea that they are something obscene and reprehensible. Here we present some common sex infections:


The gonorrhea It is common in large cities, in sectors of population with low levels of education and among people of low socioeconomic status. Young people between 15 and 29 years old are at greater risk due to their intense sexual activity.

According to the experts of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention United States There is a greater chance of developing this condition if:

  1. There are multiple sexual partners
  2. You or your partner have a history of diseases of sexual transmission
  3. You practice sex without condom
  4. You are addicted to drugs

The symptoms do not always appear, but they usually appear between three days or three weeks after their infection. In men, there is a purulent discharge from the penis , that with time it becomes thinner and creamier, in addition to a burning sensation when urinating. In women, there is a slight increase in vaginal discharge, stinging sensation when urinating, abdominal pain and feeling tired.


The syphilis is a disease Sexual transmission is curable if it is diagnosed early and treated with medications prescribed by a specialist. There are no home remedies or alternative therapies for their cure, say the specialists of the Centers for Disease Control and Detection of the United States.

On the other hand, syphilis is not spread by contact with toilets, door handles, swimming pools, normal tubs or whirlpools, nor by sharing clothes or cutlery.

Syphilis without treatment can cause a series of serious health complications, for example:

  1. Damage to the skin and to the bones
  2. Cardiovascular problems, including aneurysms and inflammation of the aorta
  3. Neurosyphilis , an infection of brain or of the spinal cord caused by the Treponema pallidum, the bacteria that causes syphilis , and it happens around 10 to 20 years after being infected for the first time.

Genital herpes

Many times, the herpes genital does not have symptoms. Some people carry the virus in the body, but it does not manifest until they become infected again.

When there are symptoms, they usually start between two and 20 days after the virus has entered the body.

During the first infection of herpes In the genital area there is a sensation of tingling or itching in the genital area, as well as pain in the buttocks, legs and the groin area.

Near the place where the virus entered the body appear small red bumps (on the labia, the clitoris, vagina, vulva, cervix, anus, thighs or buttocks) which then become blisters or open sores. Between 24 and 72 hours later, these small blisters burst leaving painful wounds that can become infected.

Other symptoms that are registered are: itching or burning, the sensation of pain if the urine passes over the sores, swollen lymph nodes and sensitive to the touch in the groin (swelling can last up to 6 weeks). These usually disappear within the next three weeks or less if treated with medication.


It is the disease most common bacteriological and is transmitted through vaginal, anal and oral sex; as well as when sharing sex toys. It is cured with an antibiotic and the best prevention is the condom.

It is known as "the silent infection", because in most cases it does not manifest symptoms. It can infect cells of the cervix, the urethra, the rectum and, sometimes, the throat and eyes.

If it is not detected early, it can generate pelvic inflammatory disease (EIP), whose consequences are chronic pelvic pain and sterility.

In women, the symptoms are abundant flow, abnormal bleeding between menstrual periods or during sexual intercourse, pain when having intercourse or when urinating and in the lower abdomen.

In men it manifests with a whitish fluid that comes out of the urethra and pain when urinating or in the testicles.


The Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a disease of sexual transmission produced by the Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) It manifests itself after eight or 10 years of infection latent, while there is deterioration of the immune system of the organism, making it susceptible to infections and cancerous processes resistant to the usual treatments.

The routes of transmission of HIV are the blood , the semen and vaginal discharge. To date, there is no known treatment that cures the disease . As prevention, it is recommended to use condoms and avoid the exchange of bodily fluids when there is a varied sexual tendency.

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